Page 19 - e-Expert Seminar Series: Translation and Language Teaching
P. 19

Nuevos recursos en la enseñanza de lenguas y de traducción
Azahara Veroz González (Universidad de Córdoba, España) Soledad Díaz Alarcón (Universidad de Córdoba, España) Marga Navarrete (University College London, UK) Mazal Oaknín (University College London, UK)
BIODATA: Dra. Azahara Veroz González is a Lecturer at the Department of Translation and Interpretation, French Philology, Semitic Studies and Documentation at the University of Córdoba, where she teaches different undergraduate and postgraduate modules on Translation and Teaching French as a Foreign Language. Her research focuses on research methods for translators, development of tools for translators and specialised languages. Azahara’s work has appeared in prestigious journals and she has participated in numerous research projects such as the UCO-funded UCOTerm, a website dedicated to resources for scientific and technical translation, which she coordinates.
Dr Soledad Díaz Alarcón is a Lecturer at the University of Córdoba’s Degree in Translation and Interpretation and MA Specialised Translation. Her research areas include Literary Translation (French into Spanish), particularly French Narrative and 19th century detective novels, and Translation Pedagogy. She is a prolific author whose work includes over twenty articles, book chapters and books on detective novels, and a sought-after speaker who has participated in numerous congresses and international research stays
Dr Mazal Oaknín is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She teaches Spanish language and literature at University College London, where she is also a Language Coordinator. She has also taught Spanish in Malaga, New York, Paris and Birmingham. She is the co-editor of Literatura política y política literaria en España: Del Desastre del 98 a Felipe VI (Peter Lang, 2015) and her work has appeared in journals such as Espéculo, Fahrenheit 452, Alba Magazine, Transletters and Argus. Her

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