Degree in Primary Education
Updated 11/02/2013
Students are advised to regularly check the examination timetable as it may be modified without prior notice.
Academic Calendar
- Calendar Academic Year 2012-2013
(Updated 12/12/2012)
Class Schedules
- Schedules first semester:
- First year
(Updated 22/10/2012)
- Second year
(Updated 22/10/2012)
- Third year
(Updated 22/10/2012)
- Schedules second semester:
- First year
(Updated 01/02/2012)
- Second year
(Updated 11/02/2013)
Examination Timetable
December Examination Period
Examination Period for First-year, Second-year and Annual Courses:
- December Examination Period
(Updated 13/11/2012)
February Examination Period
1st Examination Period for First Semester Courses:
- First year :
- February Examination Period
(Updated 10/01/20132)
- Second year:
- February Examination Period
(Updated 21/01/2013)
- Third year :
- December Examination Period
(For semester courses due to the practicum) (Updated 15/11/2012)
June Examination Period
1st Examination Period for Second Semester and Annual Courses:
- First year :
- June Examination Period
(Updated 17/12/2012)
- Second year:
- June Examination Period
(Updated 17/12/2012)
- Third year :
- June Examination Period
(Updated 17/07/2012)
September Examination Period
2nd Examination Period for First-year, Second-year and Annual Courses:
- First year :
- September Examination Period - 2012/2013 Academic Year
(Updated 17/12/2012)
- Second year:
- September Examination Period- 2012/2013 Academic Year
(Updated 17/12/2012)
- Third year :
- September Examination Period - 2012/2013 Academic Year
(Updated 13/11/2012)
Notice on examination periods
Modification of the norms on permanency and type of enrolment
for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes of the University of Cordoba, approved by the Governing Council on 04/02/2011.