A study performed by researchers ceiA3 Luis López Bellido at the University of Córdoba and Francisco Javier López-Bellido Garrido, at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, warns of low selenium intake among Spanish population and suggests the need for public bodies to promote studies to evaluate the extent of deficits and provide possible solutions.

G.C. - E.L 

A team of experts in Animal Health, coordinated by Professor Antonio Arenas and in collaboartion with dairy farmers, will analyze affected farms to design a control protocol to prevent new infections


A team from the University of Córdoba tests new ways to reduce strawberry water footprint

G.C. - E.L 

Almost the first year of work, a multidisciplinary team of researchers from the ceiA3 Agrifood Campus of International Excellence at the University of Córdoba involved the LIFE+bioDehesa Project called 'Dehesa ecosystem: Development of policies and tools for the conservation and management of biodiversity' (LIFE11 BIO/ES/726) has met to discuss the main contributions and achievements made. 

G.C. - E.L 

Researchers of the Agrifood Campus of International Excellence ceiA3 analyzed iron oxides in soils from 2.4 million years ago in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing

Jueves, 22 Diciembre 2016 16:58

Mobile device to measure erosion on cultivated land is patented

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The ‘profilometer’ designed by researchers of the Spanish Campus of International Excellence ceiA3

The ‘profilometer’ designed by researchers of the Spanish Campus of International Excellence ceiA3


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