Page 15 - Geopolítica del Mundo Actual. Una Visión Multidisciplinar
P. 15

Cultura de Paz, Conflictos, Educación y Derechos Humanos
five or so races, all classes, 2000 nations and 200 states in a joint project of human dignity for all. As an immune system against violence. As a concrete and feasible utopia. As world peace, supported by a peace culture legitimizing this feasible utopia, and delegitimizing direct and structural violence.
How could the underlying conflicts be solved? CPAPD, 09-09-10.
Underlying the 9/11-07/07-11M violence in New York-Washington, London and Madrid are problems for Muslim immigrants calling for [1] integration; general wars- conflicts with Arabs- Muslims calling for [2] cessation of war and [3] mediation; special conflicts, like for Spain Ceuta- Melilla calling for [4] resolution; traumas like 1945 (Saudi Arabia with the US oil and protection of the Royal House)-1916 (Arabia with the UK and France Sykes-Picot)-1925 (Morocco with Spain), 1990+ stationing US troops in Saudi Arabia calling for [5] conciliation and [6] civilization problems West vs Islam, calling for dialogue.
Spain worked on 4 of the 6 (USA and UK on 0), legalizing close to half a million Moroccan immigrants; withdrawing the army from Iraq and mutual killing as a factor in the conflict; visiting King Mohammed VI of Morocco no doubt also over Ceuta-Melilla; organizing, with Turkey, the first dialogue West-Islam in Madrid 28-10- 2005. No known mediation for Iraq and Israel/Palestine, nor reconciliation. More attacks in Spain unlikely; more attacks in USA and UK highly likely.
What could be four feasible implications of this for the UK?
[1] As to integration: participation in agenda- setting, opinion-production, policy- making; free and public debate, give them a voice.
[2] As to the situations in Iraq and Israel- Palestine: stop killing and torture-start negotiating in Helsinki Conference type settings.
[3] As to past conflicts-traumas: appoint a Royal Commission on 1916 -17 and the consequences, with UK and Arab historians. History did not start on 9/11, nor 07/07, nor 11M. Give history a voice.
[4] As to Christianity-Islam: let 1000 public dialogues blossom.
What could be feasible implications of this for the USA? In principle all four, with a Commission focusing on 1945 (US-Saudi).
Pull out and facilitate such processes as:
[1] A ceasefire with no winner and a coalition government, with Taliban, after a process of negotiation;
[2] A high level of autonomy to all major parts of Afghanistan, possibly as an Afghan federation;
[3] A Conference and an Organization for Security and Cooperation in Central Asia, OSCCA, with all neighbor Muslim countries, in the longer run as a Central Asian Community, possibly as a confederation;
[4] Priority to the basic needs of the people, food, housing, clothing, health and education, with parity for nations and genders based on Qur’anic readings, not on tribal-fundamentalist practices.
[5] All belligerent foreign troops out, basing security on the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in cooperation with the UN Security Council (UNSC), with its legitimacy deficit having four Christian and one Confucian country as veto powers.
Pull out and facilitate X1-X9:
X1: A Conference on Security and Cooperation in the Middle East, CSCME, modeled on the Helsinki conference 1973-75, with Iraq, Iran, Kurdistan,

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