After comparing 90 varieties of spelt with 9 varieties of modern, common wheat, a study by the UCO concluded that the marked heterogeneity characterizing the nutritional compounds of the different varieties makes it impossible to state that one species is healthier than the other

The collaborative effort between the University of Cordoba and the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (Germany) is making progress on the design of a solar battery made from an abundant, non-toxic and easily synthesized material composed of 2D carbon nitride

The UCO participates in a study that shows, through analysis of the scent marks they leave in theirsurroundings, that female rats also communicate with each other

An international team of archaeologists spent seven years verifying the exceptionality of the piece found in the Cordovan countryside, beforepresent it in the University of Cambridge's Journal of Roman Archaeology

Cultural exchanges and interbreeding between African hunter-gatherers, Neolithic European farmers, and East-Saharan herders shaped changes in lifestyles, cultural expression and genetic makeup in the Maghreb between 5500 and 4500 BC, according to a study published today in Nature.

After analyzing the relationships between the dominant species of Colletotrichum in Spain and Portugal, a study by the Department of Agronomy at the UCO suggests that pathogens, once established, are difficult to displace, even by other more competitive ones.

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