A team from the University of Cordoba has designed a model, based on fuzzy logic, that predicts the performance of online education students, dividing them into 4 categories and helping professors give more personalized assistance to each student, tailored to their situations

After a four-year study of Andalusia’s different olive growing regions, a University of Cordoba study concludes that the use of ground cover, in addition to reducing erosion and runoff, slows the loss of organic carbon in soil, outperforming tillage.

According to a study, factors such as their place of residence, the economic level of their neighborhoods, and school type, strongly limit equal access to bilingual education in Andalusia

The research team has found the remains of 9 different camelids, making Córdoba one of the main sites featuring this animal on the Iberian Peninsula

The University of Cordoba has participated in an international study documenting post-mortem bone modifications not linked to consumption

Martes, 12 Septiembre 2023 08:35

Controlled Fires Are Effective for Forest Management

Escrito por

A study by the University of Cordoba confirms that soil properties are only altered slightly, or even improved, in the short term after controlled burning

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