The LIFE + ClimAgri project promotes a set of sound agricultural practices to mitigate and adapt to the effects of global warming

The ReprObesity project identifies some molecules involved in hypogonadism, a disorder associated with, among other conditions, excess weight affecting the sex glands
Martes, 07 Mayo 2019 10:33

Dehesa health starts from the ground up

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University of Cordoba research analyzes how changes in the structure of soil microbiota affect holm oak decline

The results are slated for transfer to public administrations to support decisionmaking

A University of Cordoba research project is able to incorporate luminescence into this super material, paving a new way to continue expanding properties

An international team from the Universities of Cordoba, Cambridge and Zurich conducted a study on bullying roles among peers. Children who are involved in bullying at age 11, may remain involved throughout their entire adolescence 

Bullying is a harmful antisocial behavior present in schools all over the world. Involvement in  bullying, as either perpetrators or victims, have serious short-term and long-term consequences for all the members of the school community, family and society in general, causing future problems related to depression and difficulty with social relationships. Moreover, studies on bullying link it to drug use and even offending. 

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